
REZL Introduction here
REZL Eight topics here
Installation instructions here
User Guide here
REZL Terms here
REZL Privacy here

To be healthy we take exercise, we eat right, we try achieve a good  work-life balance – so  why not ensure our “emotional well-being” is charged and ready to deal with the challenges that may lie in store for us?

 Watch our short video to explain things… here

Try a sample of a Rezl meditation:

REZL is a smartphone app designed to increase resilience in all of us –it’s like going to the gym, taking vitamins or eating right.

REZL uses  Mindfulness (see below) to increase resilience to stress and to setbacks; and to reduce levels of depression and anxiety. REZL employs audio seminars, guided meditations, exercises and questionnaires – delivered via smartphones – today’s “medium of choice”.

REZL allow each user to work through programmes at their chosen pace and repeat any of the steps for reinforcement… or because they find them helpful or enjoyable.

The REZL programmes are designed by practicing therapists working with MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognative Therapy) and MBSR (Mindfulness based stress reduction )

Programmes include:

  • Introduction – explaining the background facts and statistics and how the mindfulness programme will help; establishing clear instructions on how they should use REZL.  The introduction options aim to normalise concerns to typical problems such as stress, anxiety, fear of failure, expectations, loneliness, depression and anxiety
  • Mindfulness Foundation – an eight stage course to enable subjects to become more skillful in dealing with stresses and controlling their thoughts; with specific options to address common problems
  • Maintenance Programmes – with options for frequency and duration of practice – to enable users  to continue to reinforce regular use of REZL

Regular mood surveys enable users to track their own progress (trends); to maintain a mood diary; and to review progress against an  “intention/direction”.

REZL prompts the user to keep on track and to establish regular habits.

We take safeguarding seriously and so REZL uses an initial screening survey to identify and direct users who require individual help or interventions; REZL provides clear upfront  instructions for those who may be experiencing acute problems; REZL  provides clear advice and resourses and contact information for those who feel they need help; and regular mood surveys monitor emerging risk levels and direct subjects who require individual help.



Resilience (defined by the American Psychological Association ):
“Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress — such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stresses. It means “bouncing back” from difficult experiences.”

  • Research has shown that resilience is ordinary, not extraordinary. People commonly demonstrate resilience.
  • Being resilient does not mean that a person doesn’t experience difficulty or distress. [Emotional pain and sadness are common in people who have suffered major adversity or trauma in their lives.]
  • Resilience is not a trait that people either have or do not have. It involves behaviours, thoughts and actions that can be learned and developed in anyone.

It’s as if each of us has a kind of “tank of resilience” inside ourselves – and as we encounter challenges this resilience is used up – so that when we are “on empty” we can no longer cope with setbacks… and that’s when we start to experience mental health issues.

At Carina Sciences our focus is to help people to gain the skills and habits to control their thoughts, emotions and feelings…  To build Resilience:

  1. To improve  ability to deal with the challenges, stresses, setbacks and disappointments that life may send our way
  2. To improve our performance, our well-being and our feeling of satisfaction with life
  3. To make people more resilient so that they don’t establish and reinforce the “thought pathways” that lead to symptoms of problems like stress, depression or  anxiety;
  4. To help people to recognise and control their responses to triggers, thoughts or stresses that may cause these conditions.



“The evidence is mounting to show that that mindfulness training can help people to cope with accumulative stress.   It appears popular, feasible, acceptable… and without stigma.”  – Professor Peter Jones (Neuroscience, Cambridge Univ)

Mindfulness is a skill to improve resilience and to allow people to deal with stresses, emotions  and triggers which can  cause and perpetuate episodes of Anxiety and depression…

Mindfulness employs meditation and practice to enable subjects to be aware of their thoughts in an objective, non-judgemental way – so they are able to manage their feelings and emotions.  This empowers subjects through a real sense of control so that they build confidence and self-esteem… and avoid negative reactions.

Traditionally many people come to mindfulness to be able to focus on what is important; to reduce “noise” when bombarded with messages or thoughts; to deal with stress; or to find a calmness, focus or objectivity; and in recent years Mindfulness has been used to train attention for the purpose of mental well-being to improve symptoms of common mental health issue such as anxiety and depression.

Evidence has shown a “Mindfulness approach” really can make a significant difference to those with anxiety or depression(or both) … or those having problems responding to stress… – yet it can also improve the  resilience within all of us : enabling us to be better at dealing with stress, setbacks… and challenges

To be healthy we take exercise, we eat right, we try to achieve a good work-life balance – so  why not ensure our mental capacity is charged and ready to deal with the challenges that may lie in store for us?